A Bird of Prey Kind of Day!

This morning was a little rough to get moving, but it was so rewarding. The temperature was a mild 23 degrees it was really nice to be out there. The first bird of prey encounter was a red tail perched watching over a field. The second was a bald eagle soaring around then perching in a clump of trees not too far off and just watched us as we snapped a few captures. Then poof off it went into the distance.

Red Tail Hawk
Bald Eagle coming in for a landing.
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle took off

We continued on and saw some deer, walking through the woods. Out of the corner of our eyes we could see a large bird, thinking hawk, but then realized it was an owl as it went right in front of us into an area not that far back. So we followed and were not disappointed and this beautiful barred owl perched to rest and observe over the snow covered ground for about 20 minutes. Then off it went into the wooded area no where to be seen.

White Tailed Deer
White Tailed Deer
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Barred Owl Wink 😉
Barred Owl Love
Barred Owl nap

After this wonderful little encounter we came across some turkeys just hanging about! Until the next adventure stay safe and enjoy some fresh air..

Turkeys hanging about
More Turkey loungers