Cold Fall Morning Hike

After a swim a good shake is always a good idea ❤

This morning we woke up early to head out and see what may be roaming. It was a whopping 31 degrees with a light breeze and we dressed in layers to insure warmth if perching some where. As soon as we go out of the car and started walking we heard the call of the loon. Such a neat wondrous sound.

I believe a ruby crowned kinglet?
Female Ruby crowned kinglet I think??

Female ruby crowned kinglet I think??
Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Immature Bald Eagle

It was really nice walking and taking in the scent of the fall leaves in the cold air mixed with pine. We decided to head to the shoreline in hopes of seeing tracks of animals roaming about. Well we were side railed by seeing a flock of Chickadees, with some yellow-rumped warblers and possibly some other type of warbler. I decided to perch there in hopes of capturing sone half way decent shots of them. In the meantime there was a loon nearby so took the opportunity to take a few shots. Then we notice an immature bald eagle that flew by three times.

Immature Bald Eagle
Common Merganser

We decided to head into the woods and see if anything was around and about. Within entering ten minutes there was a glimpse of a moose in the water in-between two areas of grass drinking. After a short bit it decided to swim over to another part of land and quite a distance also. It was quite the scene to be seen.

Young bull moose
Young bull moose
Young Bull moose taking the polar bear plunge
Young bull moose made it to shore
After a swim a good shake is necessary!
Still Shaking that water off from the swim
Yum something is good in that water
got water!?
Traveling along the shoreline

We were able to observe this young bull moose for a good thirty minutes if not more before it decided to go inland. So amazing to see and so thankful for the opportunity.

We hope you enjoy the photos as much as we did taking them. Until the next adventure!!