Beautiful Winter Day

Well living in New England has some advantages! Nature is awesome, this weekend was going to be a yard cleaning weekend, well as nature had it we received quite a bit of snow. Made for a beautiful scenic hiking in this temporary winter wonderland!

It was absolutely Breath taking as the landscape just transformed

We just enjoyed the sound and the smell of the air. Today the starting temperature was 16 degrees and when we arrived back to the car 7 miles later it was 32 degrees. Sometimes when it is so cold it isn’t cold at least I have experienced it that way but then again I am a bit different!

Had the pleasure of spending some time with some water birds. Again it was amazing with the constant transformation of the landscape with the rising sun, mist, fog, and wildlife.

Common Mergansers
Loon in the mist

While watching the water fowl along came three deers to the waters edge. These does seemed to be on edge and constantly looking back. There surely must have been something that pushed the does out of the wooded area to the point of going to the waters edge and contemplated swimming. However, they opted to not swim and went back then came back out eventually have to go around the shoreline to get back into the wooded area.

After spending time along the shore we decided to head into the woods ourselves. We were excited to see what tracks could be found with the recent snow. Much to our surprise not much snow on the trail but the trees with the snow cover made it sound like it was raining out through the whole hike. Lots of leaves dropping from the weight of the wet snow. It was truly a really nice day to be out there and just soak it all in.

As we were winding around the corner noticed a beautiful bobcat just watching us heading up the trail. It took off shortly after realizing there was two of us and did not grace us with another viewing at that time. It was nice to see that there was one in the area and it looked pretty healthy. We did manage to capture a photo of two.

So thankful to have all of this so close to us that we are able to enjoy!